Candidates must possess good honours degree not below second class lower division in relevant discipline obtained from a recognized University and must have had not less than fifteen (15) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University or comparable institution.
The candidate must not be below the rank of Deputy Registrar or cognate senior management position. He must also be Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) compliant and command respect and be able to carry colleagues along.The possession of higher degree(s) would be an added advantage.
Qualified and interested Applicants are required to submit 30 copies of their applications and detailed Curriculum Vitae
(CV) highlighting, among others, the following:
Full Names; Place and Date of Birth; Permanent Home Address; Contact Address; Cell Phone Numbers; e-mail Address; Nationality; Marital Status; Number and Ages of Children; Educational Institutions Attended with Dates; Academic Qualifications with Dates (photocopies to be attached); Professional Qualifications; Employment Records; Statement of Experience including full details of former and present posts, Extra Curriculum Activities; Name and Addresses of three Referees, etc.
Each applicant must have three referees who should be requested by the applicant to forward their Referee’s Report under confidential cover directly to:
Vice Chancellor,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University,
P.M.B. 2346,
Sokoto State.
All applications are to be submitted under confidential cover with envelope marked “Post of The Registrar, UDU, Sokoto” addressed to:
The Vice Chancellor,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University,
P.M.B. 2346,
Sokoto State.
DEADLINE: 9th April 2012.
Only the application of the short-listed candidates will be acknowledged.